Page 15 - SPIRE Apr-Jun 2022 2nd Issue DIGITAL
P. 15


                                                       Tai Chi Chuan
             We have classes in multiple Tai Chi forms, including the 8, 13, 24, 37 Forms (Yang style) and the 42 Form (Yang, Chen, Sun, and

             Wu styles).
             Tai  Chi  Chuan  generates  vitality.  It  emphasizes  balance  and  grace  while  relaxing  body  and  mind.  Students  learn  precise
             movements with coordinated breathing that develop supple physical strength, focused concentration, and improved memory.

             Students practice Tai Chi forms using sword, fan, & dao (saber) to increase their flexibility & stamina. These ancient disciplines

             are especially useful for practitioners of various sports, dance, and other martial arts.

                                                    Qi Gong Meditation
 MISSION     The word Qi means the cosmic energy available to all of us. Gong is the path to studying Qi.

             Qi Gong and Tai Chi benefit people with cardiovascular disease, asthma, anxiety, chronic pain, arthritis, and other illnesses. Both
 Tai Chi and Qi Gong promote people’s health, vitality and longevity. The Tai Chi  harmonize respiration, circulation, and muscle toning to improve mental focus and calmness.
 and Qi Gong with Fang Association is dedicated to teaching these ancient arts  Self-Defense

 and nurturing their application as a life-long habit. Our certified instructors have  Scheduled quarterly. Please contact Fang for details.

             Self defense classes are taught in three one-hour sessions over three weeks. Their purpose is to empower students with the
 undergone  extensive  training  with  Fang-Chih  Lee.  Their  careful  guidance  will  confidence and skills to protect themselves from an assailant, no matter his or her size, and to escape threatening situations. The
 bring to all students who practice regularly the benefits of Tai Chi and Qi Gong.  techniques used do not require great physical strength.
 These  include  improvement  in  physical  strength,  balance,  flexibility,  memory,

 and peace of mind.                      SPIRE SCHEDULE

                          Tuesday             5:30 to 6:30PM            Tai Chi
 芳太極氣功協會                  Wednesday           9:00 to 10:00AM         Qi Gong
                          Friday               9:00 to 10:00AM        Weapons
 Asian Crane Tai Chi, LLC.  Saturday                                          Tai Chi
                                              9:00 to 10:00AM
 Tai Chi & Chi Gong with Fang Association   10:00 to 11:00AM           Push Hands and Tai Chi (Advanced)
 781.588.5421     Private lessons, individual or groups, are available by appointment Please contact Fang.

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