Page 19 - SPIRE Apr-Jun 2022 2nd Issue DIGITAL
P. 19

Often featured on National Public Radio,  working with Tessa Lark has been an
 Frank Vignola has also become a familiar  amazing experience. She is one of the  Given your expansive career, were
 figure on Public Television, featured  greatest musicians I have ever had the  there any intense marathon sessions
 previously on three popular shows,  pleasure of working with. Working with  where you were up all-night  WWW.FRANKVIGNOLA.COM
 including the heavily programmed  her has really opened up my repertoire  recording and rewriting? Could you  TRUEFIRE.COM/CHANNELS/JAZZ-STUDIO/H1793
 Tommy Emmanuel and Friends. His own  and gave me a vehicle to accompany  describe that process and how the  WWW.BIGJERSEYGUITARCAMPS.COM/
 PBS special, “Four Generations of Guitar”  on my old Gibson archtop.  end result made you feel about your  WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/C/FRANKVIGNOLAGUITAR
 produced by Peter Berkow, premieres in  work.                      WWW.INSTAGRAM.COM/FRANKVIGNOLAGUITAR/
 the 2015 season as part of the  On top of working with some  Yes, of course. Now, it's getting up  WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/FRANKVIGNOLAMUSIC/
 forthcoming 13 episode series “Music  incredible names, you’ve also played  super early and getting it done rather
 Gone Public”, where he will be joined by  some amazing venues. The Teatro  than late at night. I have pulled all  TWITTER.COM/THEFRANKVIGNOLA
 special guests, Vinny Raniolo, Bucky  Olimpico (“Olympic Theatre”), Lincoln  nighters in the studio many times. I  OPEN.SPOTIFY.COM/TRACK/5K4OMIL4OKI9O5M8QZIX0B
 Pizzarelli, Joe Craven and Tommy  Center, Sydney Opera House, and  also have driven through the night to
 Emmanuel.  Carnegie Hall, just to name a few.  get to the next gig many times. I loved
              every minute of it.
 Vignola has recorded over 30 CD’s, 7  What are some of your favorite
 DVD’s and has been a guest on hundreds  performance venues and why?  Who have been some of your favorite
 of recordings. He has written 23 music  Well Carnegie Hall is extremely special  studio engineers and producers to
 instructional books for Mel Bay  and the Sydney Opera House was  work with and?
 Publications. He has also produced eight  amazing, but I especially love the Blue  Gene Paul (Les' son) and Dae Bennett
 full length video teaching courses for  Note in New York City. The sound is  are two icons that I have spent His on-line Guitar Sherpa  fabulous and the stage has been graced  countless hours with in the studio.
 private lessons and workshop courses  by just about every jazz icon you can  Producers Carl Jefferson and Joel Dorn
 continue to thrive. He has and continues  name. It's very special.  are two of my favorites that I have had
 to conduct clinics, masterclasses and  the pleasure of spending many hours
 workshops at music universities all over  Just being alive is a gift.  with in the studio. Good times.
 the world including Julliard and Boston
 University.  Playing music is even  You started the Big Jersey Guitar
 more of a gift given the  Camp that pairs aspiring guitar
 How did you meet and become one of  students with renowned instructors.
 Les Paul’s 5 most admired guitarists?  fact I almost had to have  The Camp has grown into an  How has teaching music impacted you as
 I first met Les in 1985 when he emerged  international project with locations  a musician?
 from retirement, performing weekly at Fat  my arm amputated.  around the world. What inspired you  I love to teach. Since everyone learns
 Tuesday's in downtown New York City.  to start these camps and how does it  differently and a large majority of my
 We were friends for many years. In 2000,  make you feel to see it grow over the  students are hobbyists, I am always
 he asked me to join his band and we had  Cover or an original, what is your  years?  challenged to find ways to teach someone. I
 many years of fun performing every  favorite song to perform live?  After being hired to teach at many  have found that learning songs is the best
 Monday night at the Iridium in New York  camps worldwide, I noticed there was  way to learn jazz or any style or genre of
 City. He was a good guy. I miss him.  very little jamming going on. Lots of  music.
 I had read that you were in a terrible
 ATV accident back in 2017. That is  lectures and masterclasses but no  From producing, recording, composing,
 You’ve recorded and toured with some  jamming. So I started the Big Jersey
 quite a thing to survive and come
 renowned artists over the years. Which  Guitar Camp which is now a 4:1 ratio  touring, teaching etc. What’s next for
 back from, is there any difference in                          Frank Vignola?
 musician or musicians did you enjoy  student to teacher. All are required to
 how you approach music now than                                My jazz studio channel is very
 collaborating with the most and any  learn ten songs that are taught through
 before? Looking at a piece of music,                           popular. It's fun to see that grow and
 memorable moments you’re willing to  zoom classes and video lessons and
 composing and playing?                                         develop through student based questions.
 share?  Just being alive is a gift. Playing music  then 4 or 5 sessions a day, playing the
 Tommy Emmanuel is a blast to work with.  is even more of a gift given the fact I  ten songs with other students and a  Every Wednesday night, I host a Guitar
 Bucky Pizzarelli was all class and many of  almost had to have my arm amputated. I  world renowned guitar/teacher. It's  Night which features guitar legend Jimmy
 the jazz icons are memorable especially,  am extremely lucky, having a great  been a very successful plan but all  Bruno at the iconic jazz club, "Birdland" on
 pianist John Lewis and saxophonist, Billy  surgeon (four surgeries in 5 months),  camps are limited so we can keep the  West 44th Street in Manhattan. This in
 Mitchell. Lately,                                              addition to my camps and shows with Tessa
 and a lot of will to get better. I went to  student to teacher ratio down as low as  keep me plenty busy with fun and
 PT every day for months.  possible. St Croix Camp is only 12   challenging activities and events. Thanks for
              people with Jimmy Bruno, Ken Smith                some great questions and hope to see you
              and myself.
 1 6       |     T H E   S P I R E   C E N T E R   M A G A Z I N E  at the show.
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