Page 19 - SPIRE SEP_DEC 2023 7th Issue Digital
P. 19
FALL 2023
SAT, OCT 07 @ 8PM
Three veteran musicians and familiar names from the Boston
music scene. Their debut album, GYPSY CARAVAN is 11 new
electric and acoustic stories steeped in the blues and
Americana. With all the great songs on your latest album, Lay Your
“We’re blue collar guys from working class families. We grew up Darkness Down, released February 3rd, 2023, do you have a
on the sound of rock radio and the promise of an electric guitar. “ favorite and why?
That’s a hard one, as each song has fulfilled a different need of
GYPSY CARAVAN covers a lot of ground, just as CS&N’s
debut album did back in the day.“ The album is the product of mine in its writing, and they all play a role in making Lay Your
three long time friends who came together on a travelogue of Darkness Down a cohesive document of a particular time in my
blues, roots and more. And it rocks!” life. All caveats aside, after 25-plus years of trying, “Sense Of
Yes it does. Wonder” is as close as I’ve ever come to setting the entirety of
my personal philosophy down in a song, so that’s one I always
enjoy singing. “The Man I Am” is one of my favorite recorded
TD BANK LOBBY SERIES: vocals, and I’m proud to be singing better at 49 than I did at 24.
MARK ERELLI And the title track is very dear to me, as well.
THU, OCT 12 @ 7:30PM In September 2020, you were diagnosed with retinitis
pigmentosa. How has your songwriting process changed since
Mark Erelli is an American singer/songwriter, multi- that time?
instrumentalist, and touring folk musician from Reading, There has been a lot of change in my life since my RP diagnosis,
Massachusetts who earned a master's degree in evolutionary but I don’t know if my songwriting process has been impacted
biology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst before all that much. In fact, so much has changed in my life that I have
pursuing a career in music. really fought to maintain a sense of agency and continuity in my
songwriting process. I have always wrestled with presenting my
Bearing witness to small details and fleeting moments is what
dignifies our everyday stories, rendering the mundane emotions and experiences in my work, and hopefully that
profound. This principle has governed Erelli’s approach to his process continues in such a way that people see more of
two decade career, including 11 solo albums, stints themselves in the songs than they do of me.
accompanying Josh Ritter, Paula Cole and Anais Mitchell, and M A R K E R E L L I THU, OCT 12 | 7:30PM
a pair of records he produced for GRAMMY-winning Can you tell us how your love of nature and evolutionary
songwriter Lori McKenna. theory has helped you retain your “Sense of Wonder?” pull back and survey a wider landscape, that can also induce
The natural world can’t help but fill you up with awe and joy if awe and wonder. Mainly, I just want to communicate that the
you are paying attention to it. Changing my scale of resolution— opportunities to experience wonder are all around us,
SHAMARR ALLEN how closely I am observing nature—has been a key part of everyday and wherever we may be, just waiting for us to stop
FRI, OCT 13 @ 8PM preserving my sense of wonder. If you take a plain-looking black for a moment and really take a closer look.
beetle and put it under the microscope, you’ll see that the black
$29 is actually a gorgeous, colorful iridescent sheen. Similarly, if you The wonderful Lori Mckenna has been one of your songwriting
Shamarr Allen is the definition of New Orleans! Hailing from partners. Who would you most want to collaborate with next?
the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans, Allen has influences in I collaborate regularly with close friends like Dinty Child, Rose
jazz, hip-hop, rock, funk rhythms, blues and country. He is the Cousins, Dave Godowsky, and Sean Staples at an annual
lead vocalist and trumpeter of his band “Shamarr Allen & The songwriting retreat each June on an island up on Lake
Underdawgs.” In addition to performing with his band, Allen Winnipesaukee, so those are relationships that I truly treasure. I
has collaborated with many renowned artists around the don’t really have a list of folks I want to write with so much as
world such as Willie Nelson, Patti LaBelle, Galatic, Harrick musicians and producers I’d love to intersect with. Some of
Connick Jr, and Lenny Kravitz, to name a few. He is a sought those artists have passed on, so the opportunity to collaborate
after artist for festivals and venues around the world. In hopefully won’t happen for a good long while!
addition to displaying his skills on the front-line as a lead
performer, Allen is also a music composer, writer, and Your Kickstarter campaign for Lay Your Darkness Down was a
producer. With a scintillating and unique sound, look, and complete success. How does it feel to have such overwhelming
exemplary talents, Shamarr Allen transcends musical support from your fans? Is there any specific feedback that you
boundaries. He is the True Orleans experience! got that really sums it up for you?
The response to the Kickstarter was truly humbling. The
support from people from all points throughout my life was very
gratifying, and it blew my mind to see such a mix of people I’m
1 6 | T H E S P I R E C E N T E R M A G A Z I N E