Page 16 - SPIRE SEP_DEC 2023 7th Issue Digital
P. 16

FALL 2023

                                PAUL NELSON BAND                                                                                          THE ULTIMATE VARIETY SHOW VEGAS TOP
                                SAT, SEP 23  @ 8PM                                                                                        IMPERSONATORS THE EDWARDS TWINS
                                $30                                                                                                       SAT, SEP 30 @ 7PM
                                                                                                                                          SUN, OCT 01 @ 2PM
                        Whether it’s headlining international festivals, performing to
                        sold out shows at iconic clubs worldwide, Paul Nelson‘s guitar                                                    $50
                        mastery, in a live setting is the most exciting and                                                           “Extraordinary”-The NBC Today Show
                        unforgettable experience for all who attend.
                                                                                                                                      AS SEEN ON NETFLIX The Kominsky Method                                                          FALL 20223
                        Being blues/rock icon Johnny Winter‘s hand-picked touring
                        and recording guitarist joining in 2010, is just one of the                                                   Remember all the wonderful Variety shows we all grew up on
                        accolades held by Grammy-winning guitarist Paul Nelson.                                                       in the 70’s & 80’s? Now is your chance to see them live and re-
                        Nelson has also shared the world’s stages and/or recorded                                                     created by Las Vegas’ number one impersonators of all time.
                        alongside Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Billy Gibbons, Susan                                                       Anthony & Eddie Edwards use state of the art make-up to look
                        Tedeschi, Dr. John, John Popper, Slash, Warren Haynes,                                                        and sound like the superstars of today and yesterday. All your
                        Derek Trucks, Vince Gill, Sonny Landreth, Ben Harper, Joe                                                     favorite legendary Superstars come alive in SUPER STARS ON
                        Bonamassa and the list goes on.                                                                               STAGE THE ULTIMATE VARIETY SHOW.

                                                                                                                                                                              EASTERN BANK LOBBY JAZZ SERIES: THE
                                                                       TD BANK LOBBY SERIES:                                                                            MARSHALL WOOD - DONNA BYRNE QUARTET
                                                                       SHAUN ENGLAND BAND                                                                                                   THU, OCT 05  @  7:30PM
                                                                              THU, SEP 28  @ 7:30PM
                                                                                                    $15                                                                                           Featuring Mike Flanagan and Tim Ray
                                                               Musician and songwriter Shaun England has been recognized                                                    This All-Star quartet will feature unique arrangements of American
                                                                by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for his songwriting                                                    standards, jazz standards, Bossa Nova and a few musical surprises.
                                                                and contribution to the arts. Music deeply influenced by the
                                                                 blues and poetic lyrics earned him a nomination for Song of                                                  Marshall Wood and Donna Byrne have been performing in New
                                                                   the Year, in addition to listeners from around the world.                                                    England and beyond since 1982. Each of them has established
                                                                 “He is a romantic, connected spiritually with literary greats and                                         themselves internationally as superb musicians and performers. Tim
                                                               with the most beautiful and noble souls who have crossed this old                                         Ray has had a storied career as both a great jazz pianist/composer and
                                                                          world.” ~Anna Maria Polidori, Guibo, Italy 2013                                                  accompanist. Alto saxophonist, Mike Flanagan is both a super talent
                                                                                                                                                                                 and responsible for restoring jazz in clubs on the outer Cape.
                                                               “His music seemlessly combines old time country with the blues, a
                                                                                              rare treat.” -Living Arts.

                                                                                                                                          COMEDY NIGHT FT. TONY V
                                                                                                                                          THU, OCT  01 @ 8PM
                                JOHNNY A TRIO                                                                                       Tony V went from an employee at the Somerville Mental Health
                                FRI, SEP 28  @ 8PM                                                                                  Center to being voted “The Funniest Man in Massachusetts” by
                                $35                                                                                                 Showtime Television in 1986. Tony V now has a very successful
                                                                                                                                    career in comedy with appearances on networks such as
                        Spearheaded by Boston Hall of Fame Guitarist JOHNNY A.                                                      Comedy Central and MTV as well as many movie roles. Tony V
                        and stemming from his passion for all things music, this new
                        collective, The JOHNNY A. TRiO will take you on a journey                                                   has worked with people such as Bill Burr, Jay Leno and Adam
                        that instrumentally re-imagines the vast song catalogue of
                        The Blues, The Beatles and Beyond. Travel with the band as                                                  Jerry Thornton - OPENER
                        they sonically walk you from “Muddy Waters” through                                                         Jerry Thornton is a big deal! Jerry’s a writer/podcaster for
                        “Strawberry Fields Forever” and songs from JOHNNY A.’s                                                      “Barstool Sports!” Jerry was also a co-host of the “Dale Arnold
                        award winning albums. It’s sure to be an uplifting celebration                                              and Michael Holley Show” on WEEI. A 30-year veteran of stand-
                        as you “rock” along with the JOHNNY A. TRiO.                                                                up comedy, he has performed at clubs all over the northeast!
                        Often referred to as a “musicians’ musician” Johnny A. is an                                                Hosted by Matt Misci
                        internationally recognized Grammy Nominated                                                                 Matt Misci started comedy in 2018 with a little push from
                        guitarist/songrwriter/producer.                                                                             family, friends and clients. As a local barber, many of Matt’s
                                                                                                                                    customers were supportive of Matt entering the world of stand-
                                                                                                                                    up comedy!

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