Page 29 - SPIRE MAY-AUG 2024 9th Issue Digital Flipbook
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                BREAKING           Spire Center Magazine                                          SPECIAL
                   NEWS                                                                           EDITION

 FRI, AUG 02 @ 8PM
 $37.80 to $42
 Ruthie  Foster's  ninth  studio  album,  Healing  Time  marks  a
 pinnacle in her blues career. With a raw, live-sounding vibe and  THE WORLD-FAMOUS
 Foster's  expanded  role  in  songwriting,  it's  a  testament  to
 resilience  and  growth.  Born  out  of  the  challenges  of  the
 pandemic, the album's collaborative spirit shines, with Foster's
 band contributing to its timeless sound. "Healing Time" is both
 a  response  to  collective  struggle  and  a  reminder  of  music's
 power  to  heal.  It's  a  journey  through  the  highs  and  lows  of
 being  human,  echoing  Foster's  own  path  of  healing  and  GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRA

 SAT, AUG 03 @ 8PM
 $26.10 to $29  THE MILLER
 Matt  Turk  and  C  Lanzbom  lead  Deadgrass,  a  string  band  tribute  to              demand  led  the  Miller
 Jerry  Garcia's  musical  legacy.  With  Dave  Richards  on  bass,  Boo  SOUND LIVES     Estate  to  authorize  the
 Reiners  on  banjo,  and  Kensuke  Shoji  on  fiddle,  they  honor  Garcia's             formation  of  the  Glenn
 iconic works, spanning from Old & in the Way to The Grateful Dead.  FOREVER!
 Turk, known for his collaborations with Pete Seeger, and Lanzbom, a                      Miller  Orchestra.  On
 Grammy-winning guitarist, infuse their performances with a deep love  After years as a writer and  June  6,  1956,  under  the
 for Garcia's music. Accompanied by seasoned pros from Broadway to  sideman   Glenn   Miller  direction  of  drummer
 world music, Deadgrass brings Garcia's spirit to life on stage, blending  decided  to  form  his  own
 bluegrass, jazz, and improvisation with reverence and skill.                             Ray  McKinley,  who  had
            band in March of 1938 and                                                     become  the  unofficial
 BRANDEN & JAMES “SUMMER  the rest is history!                                            leader  of  the  Army  Air
 NIGHTS ON BROADWAY”    The  legendary  Glenn                                             Force Band after Glenn’s
 SUN, AUG 04 @ 6PM                                                                        disappearance,       the
 $27 to $30  Miller was one of the most
 World  renowned  cello  &  vocal  duo  BRANDEN  &  successful  of  all  dance            reformed  Glenn  Miller
 JAMES from America’s Got Talent team up Broadway  bandleaders  back  in  the             Orchestra  performed  its
 musical  director,  Brett  Rowe,  for  their  Spire  Center  Swing  Era  of  the  1930’s  first  concert  and  has
 debut in Summer Nights on Broadway.
            and  40’s.  A  matchless                                                      been  touring  ever  since.
 Join  them  on  Sunday,  August  4th  as  Broadway  gets
 reinvented  in  classical  music  form  complete  with  “  string  of  hit  records,  the  Today,  the  ensemble
 soaring  tenor  vocals  and  dazzling  cello”  (NPR  music)  constant  impact  of  radio  continues  to  play  the
 in this thrilling performance featuring music from hit                                   original          Miller
 shows such as Les Miserables, Mary Poppins, Dear Evan  broadcasts,   and   the
 Hansen,  Waitress,  Wicked,  The  Lion  King,  West  Side  drawing power at theaters     arrangements both from
 Story, and many more!   and  ballrooms,  built  and                                      the civilian band and the
 THE WORLD-FAMOUS GLENN  sustained  the  momentum  Miller  Army  Air  Force  over  the  English  AAFB libraries.
 MILLER ORCHESTRA  of popularity.        Band and toured Europe    Channel  and  was      Just  as  it  was  in  the
 WED, AUG 07  & THU, AUG 08 @ 7PM
 $58.50 to $65  Glenn   disbanded   his  to  entertain  servicemen  never seen again.     1930’s  and  40’s,  the
            orchestra  in  1942  at  the  performing   numerous    With  the  release  of  Glenn Miller Orchestra is
 The most popular and sought after big band of all time returns to the Spire
 Center for Performing Arts for 2 nights!  height of its popularity to  live and radio shows. On  the  major  motion  still  the  most  sought
            volunteer  for  the  Army.   December     15,   1944,  movie  The  Glenn
 The 17-member orchestra, their lead singers, and vocal group will perform                after  big  band  in  the
 their catalog of big band classics just the way they would have over 80 years  There  he  organized  and  Major  Miller  left  on  a  Miller Story in 1954,  world today.
 ago when Glenn Miller stood in front of his band. It is a show that continues  led the famous Glenn   flight that disappeared   interest and popular
 to transport audiences back in time and is as nostalgic as it is exciting.
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