Page 46 - SPIRE Apr-Jun 2022 2nd Issue DIGITAL
P. 46

For the better part of two decades, Toronto’s Enter The                                                                       When you’re not on tour what other   together for the two people who were
     Haggis has combined bagpipes and fiddles with a rock                                                                          passions do you pursue?             watching us. But probably the worst  EE N T E R   T H E   H A  G  G I S
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ENTER THE HAGGIS


     rhythm section to create a distinctively eclectic sound,                                                                      When I (Trevor) am not a musician I’m a  would have been a show we played in
     praised by The Boston Globe, The Washington Post and                                                                          dad and husband with two boys, 9 and  Galway, Ireland on one of our fan trips  FF R I                   J U N     3               8 P M

                                                                                                                                                                                                          FRI     JUN 3    8PM

     Canada’s Globe and Mail. Their songs offer singalong                                                                          11 years.  I love spending time with my  back in 2008 or 2009. We didn’t bring
     melodies and deep, meaningful lyrics which tell the                                                                           family, hanging out and taking the kids to  amps or drums with us, so the venue
     stories of everyday hard working people, often faced with                                                                     school and their various activities.  Now  told us we could use the stuff they had
     seemingly insurmountable challenges. Signature songs                                                                          that the gym has opened up again I’m  in storage. This turned out to be what I
     like “One Last Drink”, “Gasoline”, “Down With The Ship”                                                                       back to playing squash, which was my  can only describe as a toy drum kit, a
     and “Lancaster Gate” have had hundreds of thousands of                                                                        main source of exercise pre-pandemic.   keyboard amp for our guitarist, and a
     plays on social media, appeared in Hollywood movies,                                                                           When the kids are at school and my  very small “practice” amp for the bass. It
     and have been performed and recorded by artists around                                                                        wife is working, I spend most of the day  sounded just as good as you’d imagine,
     the world.                                                                                                                    in my studio working on my own music  but the icing on the cake was halfway
                                                                                                                                   (The Wilderness Club), new ETH songs  through the show when the owner of
     Enter The Haggis is clearly comfortable on the stage and                                                                      or songs for other people.  I also recently  the bass amp showed up unexpectedly,
     develops an easy rapport with audiences, sharing the                                                                          started volunteering with the Cross  announced that he had another gig
     stories behind their songs and laughing through tour                                                                          Cultural Learners Centre in London,  downtown, unplugged his amp (mid set)
     anecdotes. The show is exciting and dynamic, featuring                                                                        where I help newcomers to Canada.   and left with it. By that point we were
     unpredictable and spontaneous moments. One song                                                                                                                   so defeated that we just watched him
     might feature drummer Bruce McCarthy taking a drum                                                                            What are some of the most memorable  go.
     solo on Trevor Lewington’s guitar strings, while the next                                                                     moments while on tour together?                                         a thing it is.
     song breaks down into a fierce battle between fiddle and                                                                      Live performance is one of the things a  What's the best piece of advice another
     harmonica. Sometimes during an encore, the band will                                                                          band spends the least time doing when  musician ever gave you?          Who’s the comedian? The troublemaker? And
     leave the stage entirely to perform acoustically standing                                                                     on tour.  Most of the time, you’re  I (Brian) once met the Barenaked Ladies  who keeps everyone in line?
     on chairs in the audience. Rose Baldino (House of Hamill,                                                                     travelling together, loading or unloading  at a weird charity gig in a millionaire’s  I think all of those roles rotate through the
     Burning Bridget Cleary) joined the band on fiddle and                                                                         gear, sorting merchandise and all that  backyard in Toronto. They wrote a  band, depending on the day and the situation.
     vocals in 2020, strengthening the traditional sound of                                                                        fun stuff.  The most memorable      parody version of their hit “If I Had a  Part of what’s kept us together so long is the
     their performances.                                                                                                           moments tend to be during those non-  Million Dollars” lampooning the fact that  fact that we’re all pretty laid back, and that we
                                                                                                                                   performance times, catching up on life  everyone there would be horribly  all have a sense of humor. There’s nobody
     What inspired "The Archer's Parade" and what was it                                                                           and telling jokes.  The shows are a blast  depressed if their personal fortunes  really cracking the whip or trying to exercise
     like to drop an album during the pandemic?                                                                                    but when it’s all over, it’ll be those times  decreased to that point. After their set, I  authority over the others.
     Releasing an album at the start of a pandemic isn’t the                                                                       spent together that I’ll miss the most.   jokingly made mention of the fact that
     worst business decision we’ve made as a band.  From a                                                                                                             they  must be sick of playing that song  What is it like being a Canadian Celtic-Rock
     positive standpoint, it’s been nice that our fans have had                                                                    Describe your worst performance.    after so many years, and Ed Robertson  band while touring in Ireland and Scotland?
     2 years to become familiar with the new songs.  Now                                                                           There are just so many. Usually it’s bad  immediately shot me down, saying  Well - it certainly helps when you bring a
     we’re out on the road in support of the album and                                                                             for reasons that are beyond our control,  “Never take it for granted that anyone  hundred Americans and Canadians with you!
     everyone is singing along to these “new” songs… though                                                                        like the time we played a St. Patrick’s  wants to hear a song you wrote. It’s  We’ve definitely played shows in Ireland where
     sometimes it’s hard to tell when everyone’s wearing     interviewing bandmates, former collaborators, and special             Day show in VT on a ski hill -      possible that someday, nobody will be  the locals who came out looked very confused
     masks.                                                   guests for your THROWBACK THURSDAY LISTENING                         OUTDOORS, mid-March. There were     asking you to play it anymore and you’ll  when a few dozen people were singing along to
                                                             PARTY. How has this experience been for you and is this               snowdrifts forming onstage, and one  wish they would.” Definitely made me  every song at the top of their lungs. The
     I read you recorded and mixed The Archer’s Parade all   something you might plan on doing again?                              poor tech whose job it was to run up and  stop and  think, and I remember that  venues love it, too - promising a full bar on a
     over the world in hotel rooms, Airbnb’s etc. Describe   Honestly, we would have done some live performances during            re-light the propane heaters that kept  conversation every time I see someone  Tuesday night in Killarney will make you
     what that process was like.                                                                                                   blowing out every couple of minutes.  singing along with one of our songs at a  popular with bartenders. Scotland is a little
     Our band formed in the late 1990’s when we were all     the pandemic but the technology isn’t there yet. We did some          None of us could feel our hands, and we  show - it’s still surreal, and I try to  tougher, because a lot of Scots hear the name
     living in Toronto but as our members left the city and   tests to see if we could make it work but since we’re based all      went through most of a bottle of    appreciate just how rare and wonderful   Enter the Haggis and assume we’re making fun
     settled down in other places (Philly, London, ON,       over the place, the latency made it impossible to play together.      whiskey onstage just trying to hold it                                  of them. We don’t get a lot of calls back from
     Portland, ME) we’ve slowly learned how to continue      We wanted to offer something to our supporters so our                                                                                         Scottish bookers.
     working together on music from a distance. We’ve all    Throwback Thursdays was our solution. As a band or musician I
     picked up recording gear over the years to the point    think you’re always thinking of the next song or the next album                                                                               I read that you’ve brought fans on eight tours
     where we can record parts in our little home studios or  or the next show. It would be rare for us to go back and listen to                                                                           of Ireland. The next trip will be to Scotland in
     take some equipment on the road to record other people  the music that we recorded many years ago, so it was fun to do                                                                                April 2022. How do fans go about becoming
     in a hotel room or wherever we happen to have time and                                                                                                                                                part of the tour and what can they expect this
     space. In the beginning recording was fun but high-     that, especially alongside fans who clearly have a relationship                                                                               time around?
     pressure as we were working with producers with limited  with that music. The process brought back memories of                                                                                        There are still a handful of spots available. Fans
     time and budget. It’s great to be in a place where we can  recording and writing certain songs as well as where we were as                                                                            can expect to ride around Scotland with us in a
     take our time with it.                                  people and a band at the time. We’d definitely do it again, but                                                                               luxury coach bus or two, visit a bunch of
                                                             went through all of our back catalogue, so will have to write                                                                                 amazing historical landmarks and castles, and
      Many bands reflexively pivoted to live-streamed shows,  more albums first.                                                                                                                           hear some great music. It’s always a blast. For
     soliciting donations or selling tickets & promoting virtual                                                                                                                                           more info on the trip, follow this link:
     concerts on social media. You did something cool by                                                                                                                                         
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